2 min read
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Published on
September 28, 2023
At 4walls, we feel you get the most value by speaking directly to the seller of the property. That’s why we’ve made it as simple as possible to do so for a fully transparent sales process.
Head to the listing and book a viewing. Select a time to view the home, the buyer will then confirm the viewing.
Once you’ve booked a viewing, you'll be able to communicate directly with the buyer. So feel free to ask any questions about the property before your viewing.
The viewings are conducted by the owner, after all they know their home better than anyone. They will give you the best insights about the area and their house/flat as they guide you around.
When you've found the house or flat you like and you want to make an offer. Head to the your Listings page, select the property you have viewed and click ‘make an offer’. From there, the owner can accept, reject or counter.
Once an offer has been accepted, we will do some I.D. checks before creating the memorandum of sale to be passed on to the relevant conveyancing teams.
Throughout the process. If you need to talk to us, we’re here. Just click on the help or contact us button.
Book your viewing today and start the journey to finding your new home.
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